Introduction to Linux


4 min read

Introduction to Linux

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

#day2 #90DaysOfDevops

About Linux

Linux is Unix like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution

Note: POSIX stands for Portable Operating System Interface. It's a family of standards specified by IEEE for maintaining compatibility among operating systems.

Linux usually works as a server because of its security feature and stability

Linux programs are extremely advantageous :

  1. They are free

  2. They are frequently updated with zero charge

  3. some are better than windows and some packages/software present in Linux are not available on windows

  4. if Linux is free, then almost all the software of it also free.

to understand Linux we need to go back to 1984.

now we are in 1984, computer science was not very developed. Microsoft just launched MS-DOS. the operating system. is that mean it is the only one, Absolutely no right? yes, along with that we have another OS that is not famous as MS-DOS. i.e; UNIX

UNIX is a little bit complicated when compared to MS-DOS.

GNU(GNU's not Unix) Project is a free software, mass collaboration project, announced on Sep 27, 1984, by Richard stallman at MIT.

It aims to provide computer users freedom and control in their use of computer devices, by collaboratively developing and providing software that is based on the following

i.e; freedom rights: users are free to run the software, share it(copy, distribute), study it, modify it.

GNU should not only be a free OS. But, it also has to be open

what's the difference

If it is free, it is about the cost

If it is open, It is about cost and also anybody can see, access, and modify the source code of it.

Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki (Finland), began creating his free own operating system. This system became known as Linux

well, what the relationship b/w Linux and GNU project.

These two projects were complementary. i.e; the GNU project created basic things of OS like program file copy, delete, file, and text editor. but, linux started working on the heart of it i.e

; OS kernel the combination

of GNU (free programs) and Linux(OS kernel) projects merged to create GNU/LINUX. But, due to uneasy to pronounce, we are Calling it simply "LINUX"

Note: Mac OS and Linux are both based on UNIX, the ancestor of operating systems, while Windows, from MS-DOS, is a separate branch. Overall, this is all you need to remember.

Linux distribution(in short distro) is an operating system made as a collection of software based around the Linux kernel and often around a package management system.

The most well-known distributions are RedHat, SUSE, Debian, Mandriva, Slackware and Ubuntu

To make life easier for users and allow them to make a choice, different Linux distributions were created. This is a concept that does not exist in Windows.

Whichever distribution you install, you get a Linux compatible with others. Some distributions are just more or less easy to handle.

Linux shell is a command line interpreter or shell that provides a traditional user interface for Linux operating systems and Linux-like systems.

The shell understands plenty of shell commands and its option which change their action.

  • Basic Introduction to Linux

  • Basic Commands in Linux

  • Managing File systems and partitions

  • Logical Volume Management(LVM)

  • User and Group Administration

  • Network Configuration and troubleshooting

  • Booting Procedure and Kernel Parameters

  • Job Automation Using Cron

  • Administrating Remote System (SSH)

  • Software Management

  • Backup and Restore using TAR and GZIP

  • Manage installed Services

  • Managing processes


That's it for this Article. I will see you in the next article with more learning and more interesting topic.

Until then keep reading, keep learning, and Keep Succeeding...

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